
任天堂eShop美金 美版Nintendo20 WiiU Switch 3DS NS充值点卡US

  • 商品形式:充值卡
  • 游戏名称:NitendoEshop
  • 游戏版本:标准版
  • 语种分类:英语

 Nintendo eShop 20 USD Card US

在线发卡密---- Code will be delivered online

Gift card adds 20$ to your Nintendo eShop account.

For Use only on Nintendo Switch/Wii U/3DS family of systems.
In order to redeem the Code:

  1. Select the Nintendo eShop icon on the HOME menu.
  2. Select "Add Funds." or "Balance."
  3. Select "Redeem a Nintendo eShop Card."
  4. Enter the 16-character activation code from the back of the prepaid card, then select "OK" to complete the transaction.

Please note, letters and symbols not used with Prepaid Cards i.e. O, I, Z, commas, hyphens are not used.

一、本宝贝所售Nintendo eShop 20 USD Card只适用于美国账户,购买前请确认您拥有美国账户,或者以正确方法自行注册美国账户,或者充值时请将设置中的国家选项调整为美国;




Wii U/3DS eshop 充值方法:

1.进入E-SHOP,找到“Add Funds”图标点击进入
2.选择第一项“Redeem a Nintendo 3DS Prepaid Crad”点击进入
